My name is Fran Fairbairn. I'm a Professor in the Philosophy and Religious Studies department. In philosophy, my research focuses mainly on the philosophy of science, social epistemology, the philosophy of education, and metaphysics. When I'm not doing philosophy, I love to quilt, paint, look for birds, and cuddle my Guinea pigs. One thing that keeps me up at night is how mental illness can be both socially constructed and really real.
My name is Alex Munoz. I’m currently in the last semester of my junior year and President of the club. I prefer political philosophy but other philosophies are cool too. In my spare time, I'm either playing video games or hanging out with friends. Something that keeps me up at night is. if infinite worlds were to exist, then there is a world where nothing keeps me up at night.

My name is Lyndsey Hicks. I'm the Vice President of the Philosophy Club and in my last year. In philosophy, my interests are modern political philosophy, and metaphysics. Outside of philosophy, I like to read, doing anything crafty, and watch 'killer' documentaries. One thing I think about that keeps me up at night is what happens after we die.
My name is Danielle Trent. I'm a Junior and Treasurer of the Philosophy Club. In philosophy. my interests are both ethics and aesthetics. When I'm not doing philosophy, I love playing RPGs, baking bread, painting, embroidery, and working on miniatures. One thing that keeps me up at night is the fact that we are the only animals on the planet who have to pay bills.

Friday, May 3rd, 2024, 10.00am – 4.30pm
The Humanities Complex, California State University Bakersfield
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Amanda Lucia (University of California, Riverside)
Undergraduate students are invited to submit papers in any area of philosophy or religious studies for presentation at CSUB’s Twentieth Annual Philosophy and Religious Studies Conference. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduates to present and discuss their best work and to connect with the wider academic community.
The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 1st, 2024. Submissions should be either in the form of full papers (9-10 pages) or as extended abstracts (3-4 pages), prepared for anonymous review, and submitted electronically in Word or PDF format to Dr. Fran Fairbairn, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, at ffairbairn@csub.edu. Final decisions will be made by April 8th. Students whose submissions are accepted will be eligible to apply for financial support. Direct any questions to Prof. Fran Fairbairn (ffairbairn@csub.edu). We look forward to reading your submissions!
Amanda Lucia is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of California-Riverside. She is author of White Utopias: The Religious Exoticism of Trasformational Festivals (2020), which intervenes at the intersection of whiteness, religious exoticism, and contemporary yoga spirituality. Her previous publications include Reflections of Amma: Devotees in a Global Embrace (2014), and numerous articles. She is also the Principal Investigator for the Religion & Sexual Abuse Project, www.religionandsexualabuseproject.org. Her current research focuses on celebrity gurus, and negotiations between religious authority and secular law